Bringing you the best possible solutions

  • Break even points of each business unit
  • Cash flow management
  • Debtors, stock and creditors management
  • Marketing
  • Strategic salary and dividend policy for working and non working principals
  • Change management
  • Planning for growth and expansion
  • Exit strategy and /or succession planning

The right solution

We ensure that you are in the correct structure for growth while protecting the core business, the family’s personal assets, minimising annual income tax and capital gains tax when the business is finally sold.

“We run a retail electrical business. We have found that the Goodman & Co. staff show a personal interest in our business and financial growth and they have a great way of mentoring us in our business. They sincerely want to see us achieve our goals and dreams. I would highly recommend Goodman & Co. to anyone who has the passion to grow their business or personal finances and do it the correct way.”

Miles Astley, Managing Director, Miles Astley Electrical Services

Need a personalised solution?

We pride ourselves in exceptional customer service.

How can we help?

The services we provide

Corporate Mentoring

Identifying and understand key business issues and provide ongoing advice. Assist you in producing and understanding financial information to help you make business decisions.

Virtual CFO

Our virtual CFO Services will oversee your accounting and financial function, provide board reporting & financial and tax strategy.

Family Office

Our Family Office services provide, tax and succession planning, charitable giving advice, concierge, and other comprehensive services.

Corporate Clients

We advise on set up and sale of business, while protecting core assets and minimising ongoing taxes.

Forensic Accounting

Assisting you and your lawyers in identifying and valuing assets or quantifying the amount in dispute.

Individual Clients

Assist you in putting in place structures so that you can create wealth and release that wealth to yourself or the family at your discretion either pre or post retirement.

Contact us for a personal consultation.

How can we help?
+61 2 9232 1588

Our highly experienced team are available to help you define your goals.